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President's Message

Welcome Upper Perk Business and Professional Women!
Here’s a question “How can you be someone’s miracle?”
For 2023- 2024, our PABPW President Michelle Mellor has selected the theme of “Grow through what
you go through”. This call to action encourages us as locals and as individuals to look for service
opportunities that bring hope to others. 
After the theme was announced I began to wonder – How do we create hope in those that are going
through it? Growing up watching and helping my parents serve without hesitation and with whole heart.
I remember Mom cooking extra for Sunday meal because you never knew who would sit at our table
and join the family. How proud I felt sitting on the doorstep watching Dad, who was determined to
create an environment where families could feel safe in our community. Those actions were like drops
of water in a lake that would cause a ripple upon ripple.
I marveled at how far the ripple could reach and who it could reach, and how the effect was contagious.
It’s buying the next person’s coffee in line or their breakfast. It’s smiling to make someone smile. Our
local is a water drop of hope too when we volunteer for First Monday Meals that feed our community,
fundraising for scholarships that give students funds for college or tuition, fundraising to support much
needed community organizations that help veterans, domestic violence victims and those in need, plus
donating countless number of hours in churches, organizations, and community. It’s also working to
enhance personal and professional growth for women.
That, ladies, is YOU creating hope and being someone’s miracle.
That is our local’s call to action and my theme for 2023-2024, “Be Someone’s Miracle”.  
I look forward to seeing you at the club meetings and our first board meeting of the summer. I wish you
a wonderful year of opportunities as we grow together and create a community of miracles.

With Much Gratitude,
Vicki Lightcap
Upper Perk Business and Professional Women’s Club
“Be Someone’s Miracle”